Container Ingress & Container Route

Popularity of Ingress Controllers

The below Popularity of Ingress Controllers is from the downloads counts of DockerHub:

k8s ingress downloads dockerhub.png

Exist Solutions Demonstation

Solution Provider Demonstations

F5 Container Ingress Service


  • F5 CIS cccl agent

  • L4 load balancer

  • Various balance methods

  • TCP health monitor

F5 Container Ingress Service


  • F5 CIS as3 agent

  • L4 load balancer

  • L7 load balancer

  • source-address and cookie persistence

  • connection mirroring

  • least-connections-member load balancer mode

  • SNAT

  • tcp anf http health check methods

  • customized tcp idel timeout

  • XFF

  • OneConnect Acceleration Profile

  • TLS

F5 Container Ingress Service


  • Ingress Controller/Ingress

  • least-connections-member load balancing method

  • L7 load balancer

  • TLS

  • rewrite app-root and target-url

Nginx Ingress Controller

Open Source

F5 Nginx Plus Ingress Controller


  • Nginx plus docker image build

  • L7 load balancer

  • TLS

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