F5 Container Ingress Service


Install on kube-system

Get Code
git clone https://github.com/cloudadc/container-ingress.git
cd container-ingress/f5-cis/install-on-kube-system/
kubectl create secret generic bigip-login --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=admin.F5demo.com -n kube-system
kubectl create serviceaccount bigip-ctlr -n kube-system
kubectl create -f rbac.yaml
kubectl create -f cis.yaml
cd install-on-kube-system/
kubectl delete -f cis.yaml
kubectl delete -f rbac.yaml
kubectl delete serviceaccount bigip-ctlr -n kube-system
kubectl delete secret bigip-login -n kube-system

Install on bigip-ctlr

Get Code
git clone https://github.com/cloudadc/container-ingress.git
cd container-ingress/f5-cis/install-on-bigip-ctlr/
kubectl create ns bigip-ctlr
kubectl create secret generic bigip-login --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=admin.F5demo.com -n bigip-ctlr
kubectl create serviceaccount bigip-ctlr -n bigip-ctlr
kubectl create -f rbac.yaml
kubectl create -f cis.yaml
cd install-on-bigip-ctlr/
kubectl delete -f cis.yaml
kubectl delete -f rbac.yaml
kubectl delete serviceaccount bigip-ctlr -n bigip-ctlr
kubectl delete secret bigip-login -n bigip-ctlr
kubectl delete ns bigip-ctlr

Namespaces isolation

namespace label

As depicted in below figure:

namespace isolation.png

  • 同一个 K8S 内,一个 CIS 可只监控一个分区,多个 CIS 并行工作,确保了容器计算层 CIS 的性能

  • 同一个 K8S 内的 Service 可以发布到不同的 F5 HW/VE,确保了容器路由层 F5 的性能

1. cis argument
2. Get Code
git clone https://github.com/cloudadc/container-ingress.git
cd container-ingress/f5-cis/namespaces-isolation
3. Deploy 4 apps within 4 namespaces
kubectl create -f cis.yaml

$ kubectl get ns --show-labels | grep cistest10*
cistest100        Active   78s     cis_scanner_zone=zone_1
cistest101        Active   78s     cis_scanner_zone=zone_1
cistest102        Active   78s     cis_scanner_zone=zone_1
cistest103        Active   78s     <none>

the first 3 namespace has cis_scanner_zone, the cistest103 didn’t.

4. deploy ingresses
kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml

there will be 4 ingress object created, only the first 3 will deploy to F5 due to the namespace isolation.

f5 cis ingress.png

5. deploy configmap
kubectl apply -f cm.yaml

there will be 4 configmaps created, only the first 3 will deploy to F5 due to the namespace isolation.

f5 cis configmaps.png

explicit namespace

Using the explicit namespace to implement isolation, the only difference is cis argument, below is an example of explicit namespace isolation:


CIS Robust

Re-create CIS POD

// CIS + AS3 Deploy 2 services
kubectl create -f cis.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy.yaml
kubectl apply -f cm.1.yaml

// Execute the following commands simultaneously to deploy 3rd service
kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pods -n bigip-ctlr --no-headers | awk '{print $1}') -n bigip-ctlr
kubectl apply -f cm.2.yaml

// Force cistest101 pod restart
kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pods -n cistest101 --no-headers | awk '{print $1}') -n cistest101

//Delete all service
kubectl delete -f cm.2.yaml

Refer to link for more details.

Re-start F5 VE

Refer to link for detailed steps.

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